About Us

We believe in breaking barriers and expanding horizons.

In the vibrant heart of Los Angeles, where Performing Arts flourish, here at S.E.A. US Performing Arts Academy, we're not just an organization — we're a platform. A platform for Southeast Asian creatives and artists to shine, to share, and to enrich our cultural fabric.

Here, in the City of Angels, we foster an environment where possibilities know no bounds.

Our mission: to illuminate the diverse tapestry of Southeast Asian cultures on a global stage. Through the captivating power of performing arts, we aim to transcend borders and connect hearts.

By showcasing the beauty and depth of Southeast Asian cultural arts, both to our community and the world beyond, we're not just making a statement – we're making history.

Join us on this journey as we weave our stories into the rich tapestry of the global performing arts landscape, leaving an indelible mark for generations to come!